Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Readers are Leaders at Oak Grove

I am inspired by our journey into The Leader in Me. I have been contemplating ways to integrate it into my little office!  I have no extra wall space so I set up this message outside my office.  I was reading the section in the book that talks about, "...schools that take on the leadership theme do not do so at the expense of students not excelling in core subjects."  (p. 112)

And there is was!  Readers are Leaders!   Students see it every day as they walk by my office.

Mrs. Barb Gilkison
K-1 Reading Specialist

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mr. Nee's Childhood School on Long Island

Hi, I am Tim Nee, PE Teacher at Oak Grove.  As we have been learning about the 7 Habits, I have been surprised to find connections with people I know. For instance, when I mentioned the 7 Habits to my brother, he pulled a card out of his wallet to show me the personal mission statement he wrote in his 7 Habits training.  I never knew that he did this.   Another surprise was when I went to the website of the elementary I attended on Long Island, many many moons ago.  You can see that they are learning Habit I, "Be Proactive."
Tim Nee
Physical Education Teacher